#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ts.h" #include "sdt.h" #include "eit.h" #include "ts_ctl.h" typedef struct _ContentTYPE{ char *japanese ; char *english ; }CONTENT_TYPE; #define CAT_COUNT 16 static CONTENT_TYPE ContentCatList[CAT_COUNT] = { { "ニュース・報道", "news" }, { "スポーツ", "sports" }, { "情報", "information" }, { "ドラマ", "drama" }, { "音楽", "music" }, { "バラエティ", "variety" }, { "映画", "cinema" }, { "アニメ・特撮", "anime" }, { "ドキュメンタリー・教養", "documentary" }, { "演劇", "stage" }, { "趣味・実用", "hobby" }, { "福祉", "etc" }, //福祉 { "予備", "etc" }, //予備 { "予備", "etc" }, //予備 { "予備", "etc" }, //予備 { "その他", "etc" } //その他 }; typedef struct _TAG_STATION { char *name; char *ontv; int tsId; // OriginalNetworkID int onId; // TransportStreamID int svId; // ServiceID } STATION; static STATION bsSta[] = { { "NHK BS1", "3001.ontvjapan.com", 16625, 4, 101}, { "NHK BS2", "3002.ontvjapan.com", 16625, 4, 102},//廃止 2011/3/31 { "NHK BSプレミアム", "3003.ontvjapan.com", 16626, 4, 103}, { "BS日テレ", "3004.ontvjapan.com", 16592, 4, 141}, { "BS朝日", "3005.ontvjapan.com", 16400, 4, 151}, { "BS-TBS", "3006.ontvjapan.com", 16401, 4, 161}, { "BSジャパン", "3007.ontvjapan.com", 16433, 4, 171}, { "BSフジ", "3008.ontvjapan.com", 16593, 4, 181}, // { "WOWOW", "3009.ontvjapan.com", 16432, 4, 191}, // { "WOWOW2", "3010.ontvjapan.com", 16432, 4, 192}, // { "WOWOW3", "3011.ontvjapan.com", 16432, 4, 193}, { "WOWOWプライム", "3009.ontvjapan.com", 16432, 4, 191}, { "WOWOWライブ", "4192.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17488, 4, 192}, { "WOWOWシネマ", "4193.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17489, 4, 193}, // { "スター・チャンネル", "3012.ontvjapan.com", 16529, 4, 200}, { "スター・チャンネル1", "3012.ontvjapan.com", 16529, 4, 200}, { "スター・チャンネル2", "4201.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17520, 4, 201}, { "スター・チャンネル3", "4202.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17520, 4, 202}, { "BS11", "3013.ontvjapan.com", 16528, 4, 211}, { "TwellV", "3014.ontvjapan.com", 16530, 4, 222}, { "放送大学1", "4231.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18098, 4, 231}, { "放送大学2", "4232.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18098, 4, 232}, { "放送大学3", "4233.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18098, 4, 233}, { "グリーンチャンネル", "4234.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18224, 4, 234}, { "BSアニマックス", "1047.ontvjapan.com", 18033, 4, 236}, { "FOX bs238", "4238.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18096, 4, 238}, { "BSスカパー!", "4241.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18097, 4, 241}, { "J SPORTS 1", "4242.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18225, 4, 242}, { "J SPORTS 2", "4243.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18226, 4, 243}, { "J SPORTS 3", "4244.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18257, 4, 244}, { "J SPORTS 4", "4245.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18258, 4, 245}, { "BS釣りビジョン", "4251.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18288, 4, 251}, { "IMAGICA BS", "4252.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18256, 4, 252}, { "日本映画専門チャンネル", "4255.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18289, 4, 255}, { "ディズニー・チャンネル", "1090.ontvjapan.com", 18034, 4, 256}, { "D-Life", "4258.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18290, 4, 258}, { "NHK総合テレビジョン(東京)", "4291.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17168, 4, 291}, { "NHK教育テレビジョン(東京)", "4292.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17168, 4, 292}, { "日本テレビ", "4294.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17169, 4, 294}, { "テレビ朝日", "4295.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17169, 4, 295}, { "TBSテレビ", "4296.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17169, 4, 296}, { "テレビ東京", "4297.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17169, 4, 297}, { "フジテレビ", "4298.epgdata.ontvjapan", 17168, 4, 298}, { "放送大学ラジオ", "4531.epgdata.ontvjapan", 18098, 4, 531}, { "WNI", "4910.ontvjapan.com", 16626, 4, 910}, }; static int bsStaCount = sizeof(bsSta) / sizeof (STATION); static STATION csSta[] = { { "スターchプラス", "1002.ontvjapan.com", 24608, 6, 237}, { "日本映画専門chHD", "1086.ontvjapan.com", 24608, 6, 239}, { "フジテレビNEXT", "306ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 24608, 6, 306},//フジテレビCSHD → { "ショップチャンネル", "1059.ontvjapan.com", 24704, 6, 55}, { "ザ・シネマ", "1217.ontvjapan.com", 24736, 6, 228}, { "スカチャンHD800", "800ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 24736, 6, 800}, { "スカチャン801", "801ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 24736, 6, 801}, { "スカチャン802", "802ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 24736, 6, 802}, { "e2プロモ", "100ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28736, 7, 100}, // { "インターローカルTV", "194ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28736, 7, 194},//廃止 2010/9/16/ { "Jスポーツ ESPN", "1025.ontvjapan.com", 28736, 7, 256}, { "FOX", "1016.ontvjapan.com", 28736, 7, 312}, { "スペースシャワーTV", "1018.ontvjapan.com", 28736, 7, 322}, { "カートゥーン ネット", "1046.ontvjapan.com", 28736, 7, 331}, { "ディズニーXD", "1213.ontvjapan.com", 28736, 7, 334},//トゥーン・ディズニー → { "東映チャンネル", "1010.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 221}, { "衛星劇場", "1005.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 222}, { "チャンネルNECO", "1008.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 223}, { "洋画★シネフィル", "1009.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 224}, { "スター・クラシック", "1003.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 238}, { "時代劇専門チャンネル", "1133.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 292}, { "スーパードラマ", "1006.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 310}, { "AXN", "1014.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 311}, { "ナショジオチャンネル", "1204.ontvjapan.com", 28768, 7, 343}, { "ワンテンポータル", "110ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28864, 7, 110}, { "ゴルフチャンネル", "1028.ontvjapan.com", 28864, 7, 260}, { "テレ朝チャンネル", "1092.ontvjapan.com", 28864, 7, 303}, { "MTV", "1019.ontvjapan.com", 28864, 7, 323}, { "ミュージック・エア", "1024.ontvjapan.com", 28864, 7, 324}, { "朝日ニュースター", "1067.ontvjapan.com", 28864, 7, 352}, { "BBCワールド", "1070.ontvjapan.com", 28864, 7, 353}, { "CNNj", "1069.ontvjapan.com", 28864, 7, 354}, // { "ジャスト・アイ", "361ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28864, 7, 361},// 廃止 2011/8/31 { "ホームドラマチャンネル", "294ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28736, 7, 294}, // { "Jスポーツ 1", "1041.ontvjapan.com", 28896, 7, 251},// 2011/10/1 BSへ変更 // { "Jスポーツ 2", "1042.ontvjapan.com", 28896, 7, 252},// 2011/10/1 BSへ変更 { "JスポーツPlusH", "1043.ontvjapan.com", 28896, 7, 253}, { "GAORA", "1026.ontvjapan.com", 28896, 7, 254}, { "sky・Aスポーツ+", "1040.ontvjapan.com", 28896, 7, 255}, { "宝塚プロモチャンネル", "101ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28928, 7, 101}, { "SKY・STAGE", "1207.ontvjapan.com", 28928, 7, 290}, { "チャンネル銀河", "305ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28928, 7, 305}, { "AT-X", "1201.ontvjapan.com", 28928, 7, 333}, { "ヒストリーチャンネル", "1050.ontvjapan.com", 28928, 7, 342}, { "スカチャン803", "803ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28928, 7, 803}, { "スカチャン804", "804ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 28928, 7, 804}, { "ムービープラスHD", "1007.ontvjapan.com", 28960, 7, 240}, { "ゴルフネットワーク", "1027.ontvjapan.com", 28960, 7, 262}, { "LaLa HD", "1074.ontvjapan.com", 28960, 7, 314}, { "フジテレビONE", "1073.ontvjapan.com", 28992, 7, 307},//フジテレビ739→ { "フジテレビTWO", "1072.ontvjapan.com", 28992, 7, 308},//フジテレビ721→ // { "アニマックス", "1047.ontvjapan.com", 28992, 7, 332},//BSアニマックスに移動 { "ディスカバリー", "1062.ontvjapan.com", 28992, 7, 340}, { "アニマルプラネット", "1193.ontvjapan.com", 28992, 7, 341}, { "C-TBSウエルカム", "160ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 29024, 7, 160}, { "QVC", "1120.ontvjapan.com", 29024, 7, 161}, { "プライム365.TV", "185ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 29024, 7, 185}, { "ファミリー劇場", "1015.ontvjapan.com", 29024, 7, 293}, { "TBSチャンネル", "3201.ontvjapan.com", 29024, 7, 301}, { "ディズニーチャンネル", "1090.ontvjapan.com", 29024, 7, 304}, { "MUSIC ON! TV", "1022.ontvjapan.com", 29024, 7, 325}, { "キッズステーションHD", "1045.ontvjapan.com", 29024, 7, 335},//HDに { "TBSニュースバード", "1076.ontvjapan.com", 29024, 7, 351}, // { "CS日本番組ガイド", "147ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 29056, 7, 147},//廃止 2010/2/28 { "日テレG+HD", "1068.ontvjapan.com", 29056, 7, 257},//HD化 // { "fashion TV", "5004.ontvjapan.com", 29056, 7, 291},//廃止 2009/3/31 { "日テレプラス", "300ch.epgdata.ontvjapan", 29056, 7, 300}, // { "エコミュージックTV", "1023.ontvjapan.com", 29056, 7, 320},//廃止 2009/3/31 { "Music Japan TV", "1208.ontvjapan.com", 29056, 7, 321}, { "日テレNEWS24", "2002.ontvjapan.com", 29056, 7, 350}, { "旅チャンネル", "1052.ontvjapan.com", 29056, 7, 362}, }; static int csStaCount = sizeof(csSta) / sizeof (STATION); SVT_CONTROL *svttop = NULL; #define SECCOUNT 4 char title[1024]; char subtitle[1024]; char Category[1024]; char ServiceName[1024]; /* prototype */ extern int strrep(char *buf, char *mae, char *ato); void xmlspecialchars(char *str) { strrep(str, "&", "&"); strrep(str, "'", "'"); strrep(str, "\"", """); strrep(str, "<", "<"); strrep(str, ">", ">"); } void GetSDT(FILE *infile, SVT_CONTROL *svttop, SECcache *secs, int count) { SECcache *bsecs; while((bsecs = readTS(infile, secs, count)) != NULL) { /* SDT */ if((bsecs->pid & 0xFF) == 0x11) { dumpSDT(bsecs->buf, svttop); } } } void GetEIT(FILE *infile, FILE *outfile, STATION *psta, SECcache *secs, int count) { SECcache *bsecs; EIT_CONTROL *eitcur ; EIT_CONTROL *eitnext ; EIT_CONTROL *eittop = NULL; time_t l_time ; time_t end_time ; struct tm tl ; struct tm *endtl ; char cendtime[32]; char cstarttime[32]; eittop = calloc(1, sizeof(EIT_CONTROL)); eitcur = eittop ; fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET); while((bsecs = readTS(infile, secs, SECCOUNT)) != NULL) { /* EIT */ if((bsecs->pid & 0xFF) == 0x12) { dumpEIT(bsecs->buf, psta->svId, psta->onId, psta->tsId, eittop); }else if((bsecs->pid & 0xFF) == 0x26) { dumpEIT(bsecs->buf, psta->svId, psta->onId, psta->tsId, eittop); }else if((bsecs->pid & 0xFF) == 0x27) { dumpEIT(bsecs->buf, psta->svId, psta->onId, psta->tsId, eittop); } } eitcur = eittop ; while(eitcur != NULL){ if(!eitcur->servid){ eitcur = eitcur->next ; continue ; } if(eitcur->content_type > CAT_COUNT){ eitcur->content_type = CAT_COUNT -1 ; } memset(title, '\0', sizeof(title)); strcpy(title, eitcur->title); xmlspecialchars(title); memset(subtitle, '\0', sizeof(subtitle)); strcpy(subtitle, eitcur->subtitle); xmlspecialchars(subtitle); memset(Category, '\0', sizeof(Category)); strcpy(Category, ContentCatList[eitcur->content_type].japanese); xmlspecialchars(Category); tl.tm_sec = eitcur->ss ; tl.tm_min = eitcur->hm ; tl.tm_hour = eitcur->hh ; tl.tm_mday = eitcur->dd ; tl.tm_mon = (eitcur->mm - 1); tl.tm_year = (eitcur->yy - 1900); tl.tm_wday = 0; tl.tm_isdst = 0; tl.tm_yday = 0; l_time = mktime(&tl); if((eitcur->ehh == 0) && (eitcur->emm == 0) && (eitcur->ess == 0)){ (void)time(&l_time); end_time = l_time + (60 * 5); // 5分後に設定 endtl = localtime(&end_time); }else{ end_time = l_time + eitcur->ehh * 3600 + eitcur->emm * 60 + eitcur->ess; endtl = localtime(&end_time); } memset(cendtime, '\0', sizeof(cendtime)); memset(cstarttime, '\0', sizeof(cstarttime)); strftime(cendtime, (sizeof(cendtime) - 1), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", endtl); strftime(cstarttime, (sizeof(cstarttime) - 1), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", &tl); #if 1 fprintf(outfile, " \n", cstarttime, cendtime, psta->ontv); fprintf(outfile, " %s\n", title); fprintf(outfile, " %s\n", subtitle); fprintf(outfile, " %s\n", Category); fprintf(outfile, " %s\n", ContentCatList[eitcur->content_type].english); fprintf(outfile, " \n"); #else fprintf(outfile, "(%x:%x:%x)%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", eitcur->servid, eitcur->table_id, eitcur->event_id, cstarttime, cendtime, title, subtitle, Category, ContentCatList[eitcur->content_type].english); #endif #if 0 fprintf(outfile, "(%x:%x)%04d/%02d/%02d,%02d:%02d:%02d,%02d:%02d:%02d,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", eitcur->table_id, eitcur->event_id, eitcur->yy, eitcur->mm, eitcur->dd, eitcur->hh, eitcur->hm, eitcur->ss, eitcur->ehh, eitcur->emm, eitcur->ess, eitcur->title, eitcur->subtitle, ContentCatList[eitcur->content_type].japanese, ContentCatList[eitcur->content_type].english); #endif eitnext = eitcur->next ; free(eitcur->title); free(eitcur->subtitle); free(eitcur); eitcur = eitnext ; } free(eittop); eittop = NULL; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *infile = stdin; FILE *outfile = stdout; char *arg_onTV ; int staCount ; char *file; int inclose = 0; int outclose = 0; SVT_CONTROL *svtcur ; SVT_CONTROL *svtsave ; SECcache secs[SECCOUNT]; int lp ; STATION *pStas ; int act ; /* 興味のあるpidを指定 */ memset(secs, 0, sizeof(SECcache) * SECCOUNT); secs[0].pid = 0x11; secs[1].pid = 0x12; secs[2].pid = 0x26; secs[3].pid = 0x27; if(argc == 4){ arg_onTV = argv[1]; file = argv[2]; if(strcmp(file, "-")) { infile = fopen(file, "r"); inclose = 1; } if(strcmp(argv[3], "-")) { outfile = fopen(argv[3], "w+"); outclose = 1; } }else{ fprintf(stdout, "Usage : %s {/BS|/CS} \n", argv[0]); fprintf(stdout, "Usage : %s \n", argv[0]); fprintf(stdout, "\n"); fprintf(stdout, " ontvcode Channel identifier (ex. ****.ontvjapan.com)\n"); fprintf(stdout, " /BS BS mode\n"); fprintf(stdout, " This mode reads the data of all BS TV stations\n"); fprintf(stdout, " from one TS data.\n"); fprintf(stdout, " /CS CS mode\n"); fprintf(stdout, " This mode reads the data of two or more CS TV stations\n"); fprintf(stdout, " from one TS data.\n"); return 0; } if(strcmp(arg_onTV, "/BS") == 0){ pStas = bsSta; staCount = bsStaCount; act = 0 ; }else if(strcmp(arg_onTV, "/CS") == 0){ pStas = csSta; staCount = csStaCount; act = 0 ; }else{ act = 1 ; svttop = calloc(1, sizeof(SVT_CONTROL)); GetSDT(infile, svttop, secs, SECCOUNT); svtcur = svttop->next ; //先頭 if(svtcur == NULL){ free(svttop); return 1; } pStas = calloc(1, sizeof(STATION)); pStas->tsId = svtcur->transport_stream_id ; pStas->onId = svtcur->original_network_id ; pStas->svId = svtcur->event_id ; pStas->ontv = arg_onTV ; pStas->name = svtcur->servicename ; staCount = 1; } fprintf(outfile, "\n"); fprintf(outfile, "\n\n"); fprintf(outfile, "\n"); for(lp = 0 ; lp < staCount ; lp++){ memset(ServiceName, '\0', sizeof(ServiceName)); strcpy(ServiceName, pStas[lp].name); xmlspecialchars(ServiceName); fprintf(outfile, " \n", pStas[lp].ontv); fprintf(outfile, " %s\n", ServiceName); fprintf(outfile, " \n"); } for(lp = 0 ; lp < staCount ; lp++){ GetEIT(infile, outfile, &pStas[lp], secs, SECCOUNT); } fprintf(outfile, "\n"); if(inclose) { fclose(infile); } if(outclose) { fclose(outfile); } if(act){ free(pStas); svtcur = svttop ; //先頭 while(svtcur != NULL){ svtsave = svtcur->next ; free(svtcur); svtcur = svtsave ; } } return 0; }