- コミット日時:
- 2010/08/17 01:12:56 (15 年前)
- ファイル:
- trunk/install/mktable.sqlite.txt (更新) (2 diffs)
- trunk/install/mktable.txt (更新) (2 diffs)
- trunk/install/perl/channelscan.pl (追加)
- trunk/install/perl/cron_foltia_dayly.sh (更新) (1 diff)
- trunk/install/perl/db/Pg.pl (更新) (2 diffs)
- trunk/install/perl/digitaltvrecording.pl (更新) (2 diffs)
- trunk/install/perl/epgimport.pl (追加)
- trunk/install/perl/folprep.pl (更新) (2 diffs)
- trunk/install/perl/foltialib.pl (更新) (1 diff)
- trunk/install/perl/ipodtranscode.pl (更新) (2 diffs)
- trunk/install/perl/schedulecheck.pl (更新) (1 diff)
- trunk/install/perl/xmltv2foltia.pl (更新) (8 diffs)
- trunk/install/php/folcast.php (更新) (3 diffs)
- trunk/install/php/viewepg.php (更新) (4 diffs)
- 変更無し
- 追加
- 削除
- 更新
- コピー
- 移動
r95 r111 62 62 drop table foltia_epg; 63 63 create table foltia_epg ( 64 epgid integer PRIMARY KEY ,64 epgid integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, 65 65 startdatetime integer, 66 66 enddatetime integer, … … 173 173 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (397, 'カートゥーンネットワーク', 0, '', '', '', '780', '', '1046.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 174 174 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (263, 'アニマックス', 0, '', '', '', '782', '', '1047.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 175 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (261, 'キッズステーション', 0, '', '', 'c', ' 781', '', '1045.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL);175 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (261, 'キッズステーション', 0, '', '', 'c', '335', '', '1045.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 176 176 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (449, 'ディスカバリーチャンネル', 0, '', '', '', '796', '', '1062.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 177 177 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (448, 'MONDO21', 0, '', '', '', '722', '', '1049.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); trunk/install/mktable.txt
r95 r111 62 62 drop table foltia_epg; 63 63 create table foltia_epg ( 64 epgid int8 PRIMARY KEY ,64 epgid int8 PRIMARY KEY SERIAL, 65 65 startdatetime int8, 66 66 enddatetime int8, … … 172 172 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (397, 'カートゥーンネットワーク', 0, '', '', '', '780', '', '1046.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 173 173 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (263, 'アニマックス', 0, '', '', '', '782', '', '1047.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 174 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (261, 'キッズステーション', 0, '', '', 'c', ' 781', '', '1045.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL);174 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (261, 'キッズステーション', 0, '', '', 'c', '335', '', '1045.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 175 175 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (449, 'ディスカバリーチャンネル', 0, '', '', '', '796', '', '1062.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); 176 176 INSERT INTO foltia_station VALUES (448, 'MONDO21', 0, '', '', '', '722', '', '1049.ontvjapan.com',NULL,NULL); trunk/install/perl/cron_foltia_dayly.sh
r66 r111 10 10 # 11 11 12 # XMLTVをつかってEPG番組表インポート 12 #デジタル放送から一週間分のEPGを取得 13 /home/foltia/perl/epgimport.pl long 14 15 # XMLTVをつかってEPG番組表インポート(アナログ専用旧仕様) 13 16 # 14 /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/tv_grab_jp | /home/foltia/perl/xmltv2foltia.pl17 #/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/tv_grab_jp | /home/foltia/perl/xmltv2foltia.pl 15 18 # 2つの局設定使うような場合 16 19 #/usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/tv_grab_jp --config-file ~/.xmltv/tv_grab_jp.conf.jcom | /home/foltia/perl/xmltv2foltia.pl trunk/install/perl/db/Pg.pl
r97 r111 27 27 'foltialib.changefilestatus.1' => "UPDATE foltia_subtitle SET filestatus = ?, lastupdate = now() WHERE pid = ?", 28 28 'foltialib.getfilestatus.1' => "SELECT filestatus FROM foltia_subtitle WHERE pid = ?", 29 'foltialib.pid2sid.1' => "SELECT stationid FROM foltia_subtitle WHERE pid = ?", 29 30 30 31 'getxml2db.1' => "SELECT count(*) FROM foltia_program WHERE tid = ?", … … 72 73 'updatem2pfiletable.4' => "INSERT into foltia_mp4files values (?, ?)", 73 74 74 'xmltv2foltia.chkerase.1' => "DELETE FROM foltia_epg WHERE startdatetime > ? AND ontvchannel = ?", 75 'xmltv2foltia.registdb.1' => "SELECT max(epgid) FROM foltia_epg", 76 'xmltv2foltia.registdb.2' => "INSERT INTO foltia_epg VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", 75 'xmltv2foltia.replaceepg.1' => "SELECT * FROM foltia_epg WHERE enddatetime > ? AND startdatetime < ? AND ontvchannel = ?", 76 'xmltv2foltia.commitdb.1' => "DELETE FROM foltia_epg WHERE epgid = ?", 77 'xmltv2foltia.commitdb.2' => "INSERT INTO foltia_epg VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" , 78 79 'epgimport.1' => "SELECT count(*) FROM foltia_station WHERE stationid = ?" , 80 'epgimport.2' => "SELECT digitalch,ontvcode FROM foltia_station WHERE stationid = ?" , 81 'epgimport.3' => "SELECT digitalch,ontvcode FROM foltia_station WHERE ontvcode is not NULL AND digitalch >= 13 AND digitalch <= 62 ORDER BY digitalch ASC" , 82 'epgimport.4' => "SELECT count(*) FROM foltia_station WHERE ontvcode is not NULL AND digitalch >= 100 AND digitalch <= 222 ORDER BY digitalch ASC" , 83 'epgimport.5' => "SELECT count(*) FROM foltia_station WHERE ontvcode is not NULL AND digitalch >= 223 ORDER BY digitalch ASC" , 84 'epgimport.6' => "SELECT 85 foltia_program.tid, stationname, foltia_program.title, 86 foltia_subtitle.countno, foltia_subtitle.subtitle, 87 foltia_subtitle.startdatetime as x, foltia_subtitle.lengthmin, 88 foltia_tvrecord.bitrate, foltia_subtitle.startoffset, 89 foltia_subtitle.pid, foltia_subtitle.epgaddedby, 90 foltia_tvrecord.digital 91 FROM foltia_subtitle , foltia_program ,foltia_station ,foltia_tvrecord 92 WHERE foltia_tvrecord.tid = foltia_program.tid AND foltia_tvrecord.stationid = foltia_station .stationid AND foltia_program.tid = foltia_subtitle.tid AND foltia_station.stationid = foltia_subtitle.stationid 93 AND foltia_subtitle.enddatetime >= ? AND foltia_subtitle.startdatetime < ? 94 UNION 95 SELECT 96 foltia_program.tid, stationname, foltia_program.title, 97 foltia_subtitle.countno, foltia_subtitle.subtitle, 98 foltia_subtitle.startdatetime, foltia_subtitle.lengthmin, 99 foltia_tvrecord.bitrate, foltia_subtitle.startoffset, 100 foltia_subtitle.pid, foltia_subtitle.epgaddedby, 101 foltia_tvrecord.digital 102 FROM foltia_tvrecord 103 LEFT OUTER JOIN foltia_subtitle on (foltia_tvrecord.tid = foltia_subtitle.tid ) 104 LEFT OUTER JOIN foltia_program on (foltia_tvrecord.tid = foltia_program.tid ) 105 LEFT OUTER JOIN foltia_station on (foltia_subtitle.stationid = foltia_station.stationid ) 106 WHERE foltia_tvrecord.stationid = 0 AND 107 foltia_subtitle.enddatetime >= ? AND foltia_subtitle.startdatetime < ? " , 77 108 78 109 ); trunk/install/perl/digitaltvrecording.pl
r99 r111 32 32 $extendrecendsec = 10; #recording end second. 33 33 #$startupsleeptime = 52; #process wait(MAX60sec) 34 $startupsleeptime = 27; #process wait(MAX60sec)34 $startupsleeptime = 32; #process wait(MAX60sec) 35 35 #------------------------------- 36 36 … … 373 373 if ($recch == 333) { 374 374 $recch = "CS16";#333ch:アニメシアターX(AT-X) 375 }elsif($recch == 330){ 376 $recch = "CS22";#330ch:キッズステーション 375 #}elsif($recch == 330){ 376 # $recch = "CS22";#330ch:キッズステーション #HD化により2010/4変更 377 }elsif($recch == 335){ 378 $recch = "CS8";#335ch:キッズステーション HD 377 379 }elsif($recch == 332){ 378 380 $recch = "CS20";#332ch:アニマックス trunk/install/perl/folprep.pl
r94 r111 29 29 require "foltialib.pl"; 30 30 31 #XMLゲット & DB更新 32 system("$toolpath/perl/getxml2db.pl"); 31 32 #PID探し 33 my $pid = $ARGV[0]; 33 34 34 35 #引き数がアルか? 35 $pid = $ARGV[0] ;36 36 if ($pid eq "" ){ 37 37 #引き数なし出実行されたら、終了 … … 40 40 } 41 41 42 #PID探し 43 $pid = $ARGV[0]; 42 my $stationid = ""; 43 if ($pid <= 0){ 44 #EPG更新 & DB更新 45 $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN,$DBUser,$DBPass) ||die $DBI::error;; 46 $stationid = &pid2sid($pid); 47 system("$toolpath/perl/epgimport.pl $stationid"); 48 }else{ 49 #XMLゲット & DB更新 50 system("$toolpath/perl/getxml2db.pl"); 51 } 44 52 45 53 #キュー再投入 46 54 &writelog("folprep $toolpath/perl/addpidatq.pl $pid"); 47 55 system("$toolpath/perl/addpidatq.pl $pid"); 48 56 trunk/install/perl/foltialib.pl
r94 r111 381 381 }#endsub makemp4dir 382 382 383 384 385 383 sub pid2sid{ 384 #番組IDからStation IDを取得 385 my $pid = $_[0]; 386 my $sth; 387 $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'foltialib.pid2sid.1'}); 388 $sth->execute($pid); 389 my @statusinfo = $sth->fetchrow_array; 390 my $sid = $statusinfo[0]; 391 392 if ($sid eq ""){ 393 return 0 ; 394 }else{ 395 return $sid; 396 } 397 398 }#end sub pid2sid 386 399 387 400 trunk/install/perl/ipodtranscode.pl
r97 r111 306 306 # 中間ファイル消す 307 307 &changefilestatus($pid,$FILESTATUSTRANSCODECOMPLETE); 308 &updatemp4file(); 309 }else{ 310 &writelog("ipodtranscode ERR ; Fail.Giving up! MAQ${mp4filenamestring}.MP4"); 311 &changefilestatus($pid,999); 312 } 308 313 unlink("${filenamebody}_HD.m2t"); 309 314 unlink("${filenamebody}_tss.m2t"); … … 311 316 unlink("$filenamebody.wav"); 312 317 unlink("$filenamebody.base.mp4"); 313 314 &updatemp4file(); 315 }else{ 316 &writelog("ipodtranscode ERR ; Fail MAQ${mp4filenamestring}.MP4"); 317 } 318 318 319 } 319 320 trunk/install/perl/schedulecheck.pl
r94 r111 53 53 }#while 54 54 55 55 #EPG更新 56 system("$toolpath/perl/epgimport.pl"); 56 57 } trunk/install/perl/xmltv2foltia.pl
r94 r111 4 4 # http://www.dcc-jpl.com/soft/foltia/ 5 5 # 6 #xmltv2foltia.pl 7 #XMLTV日本語版の出力するXMLを受け取り、EPGデータベースに挿入します。 8 # 9 #↓本家に取り込まれたっぽい(未確認) 10 # 11 #XMLTVは 12 # http://www.systemcreate-inc.com/gsxr/pc/mythtv.html#patches 13 #のパッチをあてたものを想定しています。オリジナルと比較して、サブタイトルや内容など 14 #より詳細な内容を取得できます。 15 # 16 # usage;perl /usr/bin/tv_grab_jp | ./xmltv2foltia.pl 17 # 6 # xmltv2foltia.pl 7 # 8 # XMLTV日本語版形式のXMLを受け取り、EPGデータベースに挿入します。 9 # アナログ時代はXMLTVを利用していましたが、現在はepgimport.plを使用します。 10 # 11 # usage 12 # cat /tmp/__27-epg.xml | /home/foltia/perl/xmltv2foltia.pl 18 13 # 19 14 # DCC-JPL Japan/foltia project … … 26 21 # http://www.lr.pi.titech.ac.jp/~abekawa/perl/perl_unicode.html 27 22 use Jcode; 28 #use Data::Dumper;23 use Data::Dumper; 29 24 use Time::Local; 30 25 use DBI; … … 43 38 $today = strftime("%Y%m%d", localtime); 44 39 $todaytime = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", localtime); 40 @deleteepgid = (); 45 41 46 42 # DB Connect 47 43 $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN,$DBUser,$DBPass) ||die $DBI::error;; 48 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;49 44 50 45 while(<>){ 51 46 #print $_; 47 s/\xef\xbd\x9e/\xe3\x80\x9c/g; #wavedash 48 s/\xef\xbc\x8d/\xe2\x88\x92/g; #hyphenminus 49 s/&#([0-9A-Fa-f]{2,6});/(chr($1))/eg; #'遊戯王5D's'とかの数値参照対応を 50 52 51 Jcode::convert(\$_,'euc','utf8'); 53 52 # from_to($_, "utf8","euc-jp"); … … 69 68 eval("$_"); 70 69 #print Dumper($_) ; 71 72 }elsif(/<display-name lang=\"ja_JP/){73 s/^[\s]*//gio;74 chomp();75 $channel{ja} = &removetag($_);76 #print Dumper($_) ;77 #print "$result \n";78 79 70 80 71 }elsif(/<display-name lang=\"ja_JP/){ … … 136 127 chomp(); 137 128 $item{title} = &removetag($_); 129 $item{title} =~ s/【.*】//g;#【解】とか 130 $item{title} =~ s/\[.*\]//g;#[二]とか 138 131 #print Dumper($_) ; 139 132 #print "$result \n"; … … 188 181 #登録処理はココで 189 182 #&writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG call chkerase $item{'start'},$item{'channel'}"); 190 191 & chkerase($item{'start'}, $item{'channel'});183 #旧仕様 #&chkerase($item{'start'}, $item{'channel'}); 184 &replaceepg($item{'start'}, $item{'channel'},$item{'stop'}); 192 185 if ($item{'subtitle'} ne "" ){ 193 186 $registdesc = $item{'subtitle'}." ".$item{'desc'}; … … 215 208 }# endif 216 209 }# while 217 218 $dbh->commit; 210 &commitdb; 211 219 212 220 213 #end 221 214 ################ 222 215 223 sub chkerase{224 # xmltvからきた日付とチャンネルをfoltia epgと比較216 sub replaceepg{ 217 #消すEPGのIDを配列に追加します 225 218 my $foltiastarttime = $_[0]; # 14桁 226 219 my $ontvepgchannel = $_[1]; 227 my $epgstartdate = substr($foltiastarttime,0,8); # 8桁 20050807 228 my @epgcounts = ""; 229 my $DBQuery = ""; 230 231 #if ($currentworkdate eq "" ){#初回起動なら 232 if ( $currentworkch ne $ontvepgchannel){ 233 234 235 if ($epgstartdate >= $today){# xmltvtvから今日以降のデータが来ていれば 236 my $epgstartdatetime = $today * 10000 ; # 200508070000 12桁 237 # 新規に入る予定の未来の番組表、全部いったん消す 238 # $DBQuery = "DELETE from foltia_epg where startdatetime > $epgstartdatetime AND ontvchannel = '$ontvepgchannel' "; 239 $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.chkerase.1'}); 240 $sth->execute($todaytime, $ontvepgchannel); 241 &writelog("xmltv2foltia DELETE EPG $epgstartdatetime:$stmt{'xmltv2foltia.chkerase.1'}"); 242 #$currentworkdate = "$today"; 243 $currentworkch = $ontvepgchannel ; 244 }else{ 245 &writelog("xmltv2foltia ERROR EPG INVALID:$epgstartdate:$today"); 246 #exit(); 247 }# endif xmltvtvから今日のデータが来ていれば 248 }#end if 初回起動なら 249 250 } 220 my $foltiaendtime = $_[2]; # 14桁 221 my @data = (); 222 223 $foltiastarttime = substr($foltiastarttime,0,12); # 12桁 200508072254 224 $foltiaendtime = substr($foltiaendtime,0,12); # 12桁 200508072355 225 226 $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.replaceepg.1'}); 227 $sth->execute($foltiastarttime , $foltiaendtime , $ontvepgchannel); 228 229 while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { 230 push(@deleteepgid,$data[0]); 231 #&writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG push(\@deleteepgid,$data[0]);"); 232 }#end while 233 }#endsub replaceepg 234 251 235 sub registdb{ 252 236 my $foltiastarttime = $_[0]; … … 258 242 259 243 #&writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG $foltiastarttime:$foltiaendtime"); 260 261 262 244 $foltiastarttime = substr($foltiastarttime,0,12); 263 245 $foltiaendtime = substr($foltiaendtime,0,12); 264 246 265 if($foltia starttime > $todaytime){266 267 $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.registdb.1'});268 $sth->execute();269 @currentepgid = $sth->fetchrow_array;270 271 if ($currentepgid[0] < 1 ){272 $newepgid = 1;273 }else{274 $newepgid = $currentepgid[0];275 $newepgid++;276 }247 if($foltiaendtime > $todaytime){ 248 # epgidはAUTOINCREMENTに変更した #2010/8/10 249 # $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.registdb.1'}); 250 # $sth->execute(); 251 # @currentepgid = $sth->fetchrow_array; 252 # 253 # if ($currentepgid[0] < 1 ){ 254 # $newepgid = 1; 255 # }else{ 256 # $newepgid = $currentepgid[0]; 257 # $newepgid++; 258 # } 277 259 #&writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG $currentepgid[0] / $newepgid"); 278 260 my $lengthmin = &calclength($foltiastarttime , $foltiaendtime); 279 # $newepgid = $dbh->quote($newepgid ); 280 # $foltiastarttime = $dbh->quote($foltiastarttime); 281 # $foltiaendtime = $dbh->quote($foltiaendtime ); 282 # $lengthmin = $dbh->quote($lengthmin ); 283 # $channel = $dbh->quote($channel ); 284 # $title = $dbh->quote($title); 285 # $desc = $dbh->quote($desc); 286 # $category = $dbh->quote($category); 287 288 $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.registdb.2'}); 289 $sth->execute($newepgid, $foltiastarttime, $foltiaendtime, $lengthmin, $channel, $title, $desc, $category) || 290 warn "error: $newepgid, $foltiastarttime, $foltiaendtime, $lengthmin, $channel, $title, $desc, $category\n"; 291 261 262 #print "xmltv2foltia DEBUG :INSERT INTO foltia_epg VALUES ($newepgid, $foltiastarttime, $foltiaendtime, $lengthmin, $channel, $title, $desc, $category)\n"; 263 push (@foltiastarttime,$foltiastarttime); 264 push (@foltiaendtime,$foltiaendtime); 265 push (@lengthmin,$lengthmin); 266 push (@channel,$channel); 267 push (@title,$title); 268 push (@desc,$desc); 269 push (@category,$category); 270 # $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.registdb.2'}); 271 # $sth->execute($newepgid, $foltiastarttime, $foltiaendtime, $lengthmin, $channel, $title, $desc, $category) || warn "error: $newepgid, $foltiastarttime, $foltiaendtime, $lengthmin, $channel, $title, $desc, $category\n"; 292 272 # &writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG $DBQuery"); 293 294 273 }else{ 295 274 #&writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG SKIP $foltiastarttime:$foltiaendtime"); 296 275 }#未来じゃなければ挿入しない 297 276 277 }#end sub registdb 278 279 sub commitdb{ 280 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; 281 $dbh->do('BEGIN'); 282 #print Dumper(\@dbarray); 283 my $loopcount = @foltiastarttime; 284 my $i = 0; 285 286 #削除 287 foreach $delid (@deleteepgid){ 288 $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.commitdb.1'}); 289 $sth->execute( $delid ) || warn "$delid\n"; 290 # &writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG : DELETE FROM foltia_epg WHERE epgid = $delid"); 298 291 } 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 292 #追加 293 for ($i=0;$i<$loopcount;$i++){ 294 $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt{'xmltv2foltia.commitdb.2'}); 295 $sth->execute( $foltiastarttime[$i],$foltiaendtime[$i], $lengthmin[$i], $channel[$i], $title[$i], $desc[$i], $category[$i]) || warn "error: $foltiastarttime, $foltiaendtime, $lengthmin, $channel, $title, $desc, $category\n"; 296 #&writelog("xmltv2foltia DEBUG : INSERT INTO foltia_epg VALUES ( NULL , $foltiastarttime[$i],$foltiaendtime[$i], $lengthmin[$i], $channel[$i], $title[$i], $desc[$i], $category[$i])"); 297 }# end for 298 $dbh->do('COMMIT'); 299 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1; 300 }#end sub commitdb 306 301 307 302 sub removetag(){ trunk/install/php/folcast.php
r102 r111 52 52 SELECT foltia_program.tid,foltia_program.title, 53 53 foltia_subtitle.countno , foltia_subtitle.subtitle , foltia_subtitle.startdatetime, foltia_subtitle.pspfilename,foltia_subtitle.lengthmin,foltia_subtitle.enddatetime FROM foltia_subtitle , foltia_program WHERE \"pspfilename\" LIKE 'M%%' AND foltia_program.tid = foltia_subtitle.tid AND foltia_program.tid = $tid 54 ORDER BY \"enddatetime\"DESC55 limit $maxoffset 056 54 ORDER BY enddatetime DESC 55 limit ? offset 0 56 "; 57 57 58 58 $titlequery = " … … 63 63 // $titlers = m_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました"); 64 64 $titlers = sql_query($con, $query, "DBクエリに失敗しました",array($tid)); 65 // $titlers = sql_query($con, $titlequery, "DBクエリに失敗しました",array($tid)); 65 66 $rowdata = $titlers->fetch(); 66 67 $rsstitle = $rowdata[1]; … … 69 70 $query = " 70 71 SELECT foltia_program.tid,foltia_program.title, 71 foltia_subtitle.countno , foltia_subtitle.subtitle , foltia_subtitle.startdatetime, foltia_subtitle.pspfilename,foltia_subtitle.lengthmin,foltia_subtitle.enddatetime FROM foltia_subtitle , foltia_program WHERE \"pspfilename\" LIKE 'M%%' AND foltia_program.tid = foltia_subtitle.tid ORDER BY \"enddatetime\"DESC72 offset 0 limit ?72 foltia_subtitle.countno , foltia_subtitle.subtitle , foltia_subtitle.startdatetime, foltia_subtitle.pspfilename,foltia_subtitle.lengthmin,foltia_subtitle.enddatetime FROM foltia_subtitle , foltia_program WHERE \"pspfilename\" LIKE 'M%%' AND foltia_program.tid = foltia_subtitle.tid ORDER BY enddatetime DESC 73 limit ? offset 0 73 74 "; 75 76 77 74 78 $rsstitle = "新規録画"; 75 79 }//if trunk/install/php/viewepg.php
r94 r111 67 67 68 68 $yesterday = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday -1 , $startyear)); 69 $dayyesterday = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday -1 , $startyear)); 69 70 $today0400 = date ("YmdHi",mktime(4 , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday , $startyear)); 71 $today0800 = date ("YmdHi",mktime(8 , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday , $startyear)); 70 72 $today1200 = date ("YmdHi",mktime(12 , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday , $startyear)); 73 $today1600 = date ("YmdHi",mktime(16 , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday , $startyear)); 71 74 $today2000 = date ("YmdHi",mktime(20 , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday , $startyear)); 75 $today2359 = date ("YmdHi",mktime(23 , 59 , 0, $startmonth , $startday , $startyear)); 72 76 $day1after = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +1 , $startyear)); 73 $day1 = date ("m/d ",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +1 , $startyear));77 $day1 = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +1 , $startyear)); 74 78 $day2after = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +2 , $startyear)); 75 $day2 = date ("m/d ",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +2 , $startyear));79 $day2 = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +2 , $startyear)); 76 80 $day3after = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +3 , $startyear)); 77 $day3 = date ("m/d ",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +3 , $startyear));81 $day3 = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +3 , $startyear)); 78 82 $day4after = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +4 , $startyear)); 79 $day4 = date ("m/d ",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +4 , $startyear));83 $day4 = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +4 , $startyear)); 80 84 $day5after = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +5 , $startyear)); 81 $day5 = date ("m/d ",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +5 , $startyear));85 $day5 = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +5 , $startyear)); 82 86 $day6after = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +6 , $startyear)); 83 $day6 = date ("m/d ",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +6 , $startyear));87 $day6 = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +6 , $startyear)); 84 88 $day7after = date ("YmdHi",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +7 , $startyear)); 85 $day7 = date ("m/d ",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +7 , $startyear));89 $day7 = date ("m/d(D)",mktime($starthour , 0 , 0, $startmonth , $startday +7 , $startyear)); 86 90 87 91 … … 115 119 116 120 117 print "←<A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$yesterday\"> 前の日</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php\">現在</A> 当日(<A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today0400\">4:00</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today1200\">12:00</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today2000\">20:00</A>) <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day1after\">次の日</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day2after\">$day2</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day3after\">$day3</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day4after\">$day4</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day5after\">$day5</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day6after\">$day6</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day7after\">$day7</A>→<BR>\n";121 print "←<A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$yesterday\">$dayyesterday(前日)</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php\">現在</A> 当日(<A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today0400\">4:00</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today0800\">8:00</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today1200\">12:00</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today1600\">16:00</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today2000\">20:00</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$today2359\">24:00</A>) <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day1after\">$day1(翌日)</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day2after\">$day2</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day3after\">$day3</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day4after\">$day4</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day5after\">$day5</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day6after\">$day6</A> <A HREF=\"./viewepg.php?p=$page&start=$day7after\">$day7</A>→<BR>\n"; 118 122 119 123 … … 127 131 128 132 print " $page / $pages (放送局) "; 133 for ($i=1;$i<=$pages;$i++){ 134 print "<a href = \"./viewepg.php?p=$i&start=$start\">$i</a>・"; 135 } 136 129 137 130 138 if ($page < $pages){ 131 139 $nextpage = $page + 1; 132 print "<a href = \"./viewepg.php?p=$nextpage&start=$start\">→</ A>";140 print "<a href = \"./viewepg.php?p=$nextpage&start=$start\">→</a>"; 133 141 } 134 142 } … … 158 166 SELECT ontvcode 159 167 FROM foltia_station 160 WHERE \"ontvcode\" LIKE '%ontvjapan%' 168 WHERE \"ontvcode\" LIKE '%ontvjapan%' 161 169 ORDER BY stationid ASC , stationrecch 162 170 LIMIT ? OFFSET ?